- Development and regression of the thyroglossal duct in mice
- Periostitis Ossificans Arising in the Mandibular Bone of a Young Patient- Report of an Unusual Case and Review of the Literature
- Two-chqnnel endoscopic sinus surgery for postoperative maxillary cyst
- Expression of mucinl(MUCI)in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
- Characteristics and Effects of Muscle Fibers surrounding Lingual Carcinoma
- Implication of p53R2 Disappearance in human squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
- Localization of Heat Shock Protein27(Hsp27)in the Rat Gingiva and its Changes with Tooth Eruption
- 当科において過去40年間で診断した口腔顎顔面悪性腫瘍541例の臨床病理学的検討
- 先天性第7因子欠乏症の抜歯経験術前心電図で2段脈を認めた症例
- 頬粘膜憩室様病変の1例
- 顎骨骨折における歯牙結紮法と線副子の基礎と応用の文献的考察(1~3)
- 文献からみた明治5年から昭和47年の間の我が国口腔外科の歴史(1~4)